ATTENTION! Help required with retrieving downed FPV plane

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Dear fellow FPV-ers,

During a nightflying session at the FPV event in l'Aigle Hartwig managed to get his Ez high up in a tree on final landing approach. Despite our best attempts to get it out, it is probably still stuck up there.

On behalf of team ImmersionRC I'd like to offer a ImmersionRC EzAntennaTracker to the person(s) that manages to get it out and remove the electronic bits and send it over to Hartwig in Germany. He doesn't care much about the plane (that can be scrapped), but the electronics are valueable to him.

Any adventerous FPV-ers that would like to give it a try? Obviously eternal fame and glory will be yours when pictures of the retrieved plane are posted in this topic. The attached Google map screenshot provides the location of the plane and I'm sure Hartwig will chime in here with the exact GPS coordinates.


hm... although i am personally not inclined to visit France in the next century or so (i´d be completely lost because of the language), i´d recommend adding that google maps screenshot you spoke of, sander.

Very generous of you to offer a reward, i hope someone gets that plane for the owner :p
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Oben Unten