absolut ungebraucht, driftfrei, mit exzellenten Gyroskopen, 1x unter Laborbedingungen getestet, ideal für Futaba Nutzer, Plug and Play Betrieb (auch mehrerer Tracker), engl. Anleitung, 433MHz Funkübertragung(div. Kanäle), benötigt 2 Kanäle die am oberen Ende des PPM-Signals hinzu gefügt werden! Es gehen also keine Kanäle am Sender verloren, Stromversorgung kann von der FatSharc erfolgen, easy to install, kann natürlich mit etwas Lötarbeit für alle PPM-Systeme genutzt werden
Sende- und Empfangseinheit mit allen erforderlichen Verbindungen, engl. Anleitung, 100% OK, Neu preis 140
Bulit with state of the the art gyros, this headtracker is by far the best Head Tracker we have tested. It has a fine and real movement without drift and the most important part without wires. W-Tracker allows you to fly without wires between your head and your RC transmitter.
Multiple frequencies allow the use of several Trackers simultaneously.
Trainer Port compatibility allows the use of 2 RC transmitters in Master – Slave mode allow Flying in complete safety, while complying with the rules & regulations being put in place in several countries.W- Tracker is fully configurable on the field with an easy setup menu. It's Fully compatible wit your Fatshark video glasses (power shared)
W-Tracker is tested and used for Futaba FF7, FF8, FF9, 9ZAP, 12Z, 14MZ, WFly and it comes with the standard
trainer connector, we’ve customers that adapt very easily to other transmitter brands like Graupner / Multiplex / JR
- Wireless head trackr using 433 Mhz ISM band - 10 Channels availble
- Power up systems ready with Fatshark video googles
- Master / Slave compatibility allow to fly and use it following some countries FPV legislation
-PPM Feedback allow to inject 2 channels into your radio PPM stream, dont waste 2 channels of your RC transmitter for the pan/tilt
- No Drift
- PPM+ / PPM-
Set includes:
- W-Tracker TX unit
- W-Tracker RX unit
- Power cable jack Fatshark compatible
- Master / Slave Cable
Da ich die Dominator mit Modul habe, entfällt bei mir die Bastelei...
Preis 65 inkl Versand
Sende- und Empfangseinheit mit allen erforderlichen Verbindungen, engl. Anleitung, 100% OK, Neu preis 140
Bulit with state of the the art gyros, this headtracker is by far the best Head Tracker we have tested. It has a fine and real movement without drift and the most important part without wires. W-Tracker allows you to fly without wires between your head and your RC transmitter.
Multiple frequencies allow the use of several Trackers simultaneously.
Trainer Port compatibility allows the use of 2 RC transmitters in Master – Slave mode allow Flying in complete safety, while complying with the rules & regulations being put in place in several countries.W- Tracker is fully configurable on the field with an easy setup menu. It's Fully compatible wit your Fatshark video glasses (power shared)
W-Tracker is tested and used for Futaba FF7, FF8, FF9, 9ZAP, 12Z, 14MZ, WFly and it comes with the standard
trainer connector, we’ve customers that adapt very easily to other transmitter brands like Graupner / Multiplex / JR
- Wireless head trackr using 433 Mhz ISM band - 10 Channels availble
- Power up systems ready with Fatshark video googles
- Master / Slave compatibility allow to fly and use it following some countries FPV legislation
-PPM Feedback allow to inject 2 channels into your radio PPM stream, dont waste 2 channels of your RC transmitter for the pan/tilt
- No Drift
- PPM+ / PPM-
Set includes:
- W-Tracker TX unit
- W-Tracker RX unit
- Power cable jack Fatshark compatible
- Master / Slave Cable
Da ich die Dominator mit Modul habe, entfällt bei mir die Bastelei...
Preis 65 inkl Versand