Ein Fehlerbaum. In Deinem Fall eine technische Lösung, und eine Analyse, wenn diese ausfällt. Mit Ausfall ist hier der Failsafe gemeint, nicht die Funkverbindung.
cause: RF sig los.
action: go to failsafe
cause: failsafe not working
action: to do
Eine Analyse der Zuverlässigkeit dieser technischen Lösung. Ein paar RPAS Auszüge habe ich Dir zusammengestellt:
Each RPAS is required to have an Emergency Recovery System/Capability (ERS).
The requirements for the ERS are based on CS-LURS.1412 and describer and explained below.
A. Requirements, out of CS-LURS/LUAS:
(a) The UAS must integrate an emergency recovery capability to prevent third party risk that consists of :
(1) a flight termination system, procedure or function that aims to immediately end the flight, or,
(2) an emergency recovery procedure that is implemented through UA crew command or by the onboard systems. This may include automatic pre-programmed course of action to reach a predefined and unpopulated forced landing area, or,
(3) any combination of (a) (1) and (a) (2).
(b) The emergency recovery capability must be achievable in the whole flight envelope under the most adverse combination of environmental and operating conditions
(c) The emergency recovery capability must be safeguarded from interference leading to inadvertent or unauthorized operation.
(d) The emergency recovery capability must receives its electrical power, if needed, from the bus that provides the maximum reliability for operation..
(e) The emergency recovery capability must be achievable after loss of the primary electrical system.
(f) Use of explosives to perform in-flight destruction of the air vehicle is not an acceptable means of compliance to this requirement
bezieht sich auf:
The unmanned aircraft shall not present a danger to people and properties on ground following the complete loss of the data link.
The unmanned aircraft shall not present a danger for a mid-air collision following the complete loss of the control data link.
(1) Describe the clear and distinct aural and visual signal to the RPA crew, for any loss of the command and control data link.
(2) Describe the established control data link loss strategy, approved and presented in the RPA Flight Manual taking into account the emergency recovery capability in section C.3. of this manual.
(3) The control data link loss strategy shall include an re-acquisition process in order to try to re-establish in a reasonable short time the command and control data link.
Sollte erstmal reichen. Denke einfach immer beim Ausfüllen daran, hier geht's nicht um normal operation. Denk' weiter. Funkverbindung reisst ab, failsafe greift, starker wind kommt auf, copter wird abgetrieben, zudem ist Deine Funke auch defekt, udn unnötigerweise erleidest Du jetzt noch einen Herzinfarkt. -> Hier greifen unterschiedliche Szenarien: Beispiel:
- Ground crew übernimmt, co pilot
- Ersatzfunke
- evt. weiteres autonomes System, um den copter zur Landung zu zwingen