Hallo Leute,
nachdem mein Melzi Board das bei meinem Mendel90 von Nophead dabei war den Geist aufgegeben hat und stets ca. 257° Extrudertemparatur anzeigte, habe ich mir ein neues Melzi Board besorgt. Nachdem Nophead momentan keine Boards hat, habe ich mir dieses Board in der Buch gekauft -Link
Hab dann feststellen müssen das das Board ohne Bootloader kommt, ok in der RepRapWiki nachgeschaut und folgendes gefunden - Link
Bootloader Upload
If the ATMEGA chip on your board is supplied blank, or you have had to replace the chip on your Melzi (for example, if you have short circuited the ATMEGA chip), you will need to flash/burn a bootloader onto the chip.
To upload the bootloader:
The chip comes blank; you will need to flash/burn a bootloader onto the chip. When it's blank, it can't even talk via USB, only via the ISP pins on the board.
To burn the bootloader, you will need an AVR programmer, like [www.atmel.com] This is the official one, and quite expensive, but cheaper ones are available on ebay. Check that you get one that is compatible with ATMEGA1284P chip; the USBtinyISP does NOT work with these chips.
Download the latest version of Arduino IDE software (at time of writing 1.0.5) from [arduino.cc]
Make sure you download the latest 'Sanguino' folder from [github.com] and put it in your Arduino/hardware folder (there should already be other folders called 'arduino' and 'tools' in this folder)
Connect the AVR programmer to your PC, via USB. Connect the programmer to the Melzi, via the SPI pins. Connect USB to the Melzi - it needs power from the USB.
Open Arduino IDE. Under 'Tools | Board' menu, select 'Sanguino W/ATmega1284p 16 mhz'. From the 'Tools | Serial Port' menu, select the port your AVR Programmer is on. From 'Tools | Programmer' select your AVR Programmer type.
From 'Tools' menu, select 'Burn Bootloader'. You may well receive an error; search the internet with the error message to troubleshoot what part isn't working properly. it mostly depends on the AVR Programmer you are using. Of course, there may also be a problem with your board...
dachte mir alles halb so wild, hab meinen AVR Programmer rausgeholt und mit dem Melzi verbunden. Arduino 1.0.5 installiert wie oben empfohlen und Sanguino in den Hardwarefolder kopiert.
Wenn ich dann versuche den Bootloader zu installieren bekomme ich folgende Fehlermeldung - avrdude: stk500_getsync(): not in sync: resp=0x00
Hab dann noch versucht per Arduino Uno den Bootloader aufzuspielen wie im RepRapWiki beschrieben
Upload the bootloader with a Arduino UNO as ISP:
You can burn/flash a bootloader with a Arduino UNO. The first thing is to update the ISP software into the Arduino UNO.
Download the latest version of Arduino IDE software.
Open Arduino IDE. Load the ISP software 'File | Examples | ArduinoISP'. Under 'Tools | Board' menu, select 'Arduino UNO'. Also select the good serial port.
Click on the upload button to transform your Arduino UNO into an ISP programmer.
Once the Arduino UNO is an ISP programmer, one can connect it to the melzi board with 4 wires:
* pin 1 MISO (Melzi) on pin 12 (Arduino)
* pin 3 SCk (Melzi) on pin 13 (Arduino)
* pin 5 Reset(Melzi) on pin 10 (Arduino)
* pin 4 MOSI (Melzo) on pin 11 (Arduino)
Arduino as ISP.jpg
Connect both Arduino UNO and Melzi board to your PC.(The Melzi board needs power)
Download the latest 'Sanguino' folder and install it like describe above.
Open Arduino IDE. Under 'Tools | Board' menu, select your card between all Sanguino. If you don't know the card, you can pick one randomly. If you have selected the wrong card, the Arduino UNO will not burn the bootloader and will give you an error.
From the 'Tools | Serial Port' menu, select the port your Arduino UNO is on. From 'Tools | Programmer' select 'Arduino as ISP'
If the board you selected previously wasn't the good board, you will receive an error message saying something like board id 'XX' isn't the right one, where XX is in hexadecimal. If 'XX' is 'ff', double check wires, otherwise try another board type under 'Tools | Board' menu or check on Google the board type with the 'XX' value.
Hab es dann mit dem UNO probiert und hab als seriellen Port den UNO unter COM 3 gewählt anstatt das Melzi Board unter COM 15. Beim Upload blinken TX und RX des UNOs und es komm am Ende die Meldung Bootloader installiert.
Hab dann versucht Marlin aufzuspielen aber bekomme nachdem Upload folgende Fehlermeldung -
Binäre Sketchgröße: 63.500 Bytes (von einem Maximum von 129.024 Bytes)
avrdude: verification error, first mismatch at byte 0x0000
0x0c != 0xff
avrdude: verification error; content mismatch
Hab das ganze auch schon im RepRap Forum gepostet aber leider bis jetzt ohne Erfolg - Link
Jemand eine Idee für mich was ich falsch mache?
Gruß Peter
nachdem mein Melzi Board das bei meinem Mendel90 von Nophead dabei war den Geist aufgegeben hat und stets ca. 257° Extrudertemparatur anzeigte, habe ich mir ein neues Melzi Board besorgt. Nachdem Nophead momentan keine Boards hat, habe ich mir dieses Board in der Buch gekauft -Link
Hab dann feststellen müssen das das Board ohne Bootloader kommt, ok in der RepRapWiki nachgeschaut und folgendes gefunden - Link
Bootloader Upload
If the ATMEGA chip on your board is supplied blank, or you have had to replace the chip on your Melzi (for example, if you have short circuited the ATMEGA chip), you will need to flash/burn a bootloader onto the chip.
To upload the bootloader:
The chip comes blank; you will need to flash/burn a bootloader onto the chip. When it's blank, it can't even talk via USB, only via the ISP pins on the board.
To burn the bootloader, you will need an AVR programmer, like [www.atmel.com] This is the official one, and quite expensive, but cheaper ones are available on ebay. Check that you get one that is compatible with ATMEGA1284P chip; the USBtinyISP does NOT work with these chips.
Download the latest version of Arduino IDE software (at time of writing 1.0.5) from [arduino.cc]
Make sure you download the latest 'Sanguino' folder from [github.com] and put it in your Arduino/hardware folder (there should already be other folders called 'arduino' and 'tools' in this folder)
Connect the AVR programmer to your PC, via USB. Connect the programmer to the Melzi, via the SPI pins. Connect USB to the Melzi - it needs power from the USB.
Open Arduino IDE. Under 'Tools | Board' menu, select 'Sanguino W/ATmega1284p 16 mhz'. From the 'Tools | Serial Port' menu, select the port your AVR Programmer is on. From 'Tools | Programmer' select your AVR Programmer type.
From 'Tools' menu, select 'Burn Bootloader'. You may well receive an error; search the internet with the error message to troubleshoot what part isn't working properly. it mostly depends on the AVR Programmer you are using. Of course, there may also be a problem with your board...
dachte mir alles halb so wild, hab meinen AVR Programmer rausgeholt und mit dem Melzi verbunden. Arduino 1.0.5 installiert wie oben empfohlen und Sanguino in den Hardwarefolder kopiert.
Wenn ich dann versuche den Bootloader zu installieren bekomme ich folgende Fehlermeldung - avrdude: stk500_getsync(): not in sync: resp=0x00
Hab dann noch versucht per Arduino Uno den Bootloader aufzuspielen wie im RepRapWiki beschrieben
Upload the bootloader with a Arduino UNO as ISP:
You can burn/flash a bootloader with a Arduino UNO. The first thing is to update the ISP software into the Arduino UNO.
Download the latest version of Arduino IDE software.
Open Arduino IDE. Load the ISP software 'File | Examples | ArduinoISP'. Under 'Tools | Board' menu, select 'Arduino UNO'. Also select the good serial port.
Click on the upload button to transform your Arduino UNO into an ISP programmer.
Once the Arduino UNO is an ISP programmer, one can connect it to the melzi board with 4 wires:
* pin 1 MISO (Melzi) on pin 12 (Arduino)
* pin 3 SCk (Melzi) on pin 13 (Arduino)
* pin 5 Reset(Melzi) on pin 10 (Arduino)
* pin 4 MOSI (Melzo) on pin 11 (Arduino)
Arduino as ISP.jpg
Connect both Arduino UNO and Melzi board to your PC.(The Melzi board needs power)
Download the latest 'Sanguino' folder and install it like describe above.
Open Arduino IDE. Under 'Tools | Board' menu, select your card between all Sanguino. If you don't know the card, you can pick one randomly. If you have selected the wrong card, the Arduino UNO will not burn the bootloader and will give you an error.
From the 'Tools | Serial Port' menu, select the port your Arduino UNO is on. From 'Tools | Programmer' select 'Arduino as ISP'
If the board you selected previously wasn't the good board, you will receive an error message saying something like board id 'XX' isn't the right one, where XX is in hexadecimal. If 'XX' is 'ff', double check wires, otherwise try another board type under 'Tools | Board' menu or check on Google the board type with the 'XX' value.
Hab es dann mit dem UNO probiert und hab als seriellen Port den UNO unter COM 3 gewählt anstatt das Melzi Board unter COM 15. Beim Upload blinken TX und RX des UNOs und es komm am Ende die Meldung Bootloader installiert.
Hab dann versucht Marlin aufzuspielen aber bekomme nachdem Upload folgende Fehlermeldung -
Binäre Sketchgröße: 63.500 Bytes (von einem Maximum von 129.024 Bytes)
avrdude: verification error, first mismatch at byte 0x0000
0x0c != 0xff
avrdude: verification error; content mismatch
Hab das ganze auch schon im RepRap Forum gepostet aber leider bis jetzt ohne Erfolg - Link
Jemand eine Idee für mich was ich falsch mache?
Gruß Peter