MPU 9150 Magnetometer liest keine Daten

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:wow::wow:Ich habe 2 stück MPU-9150(ein Flyduino Version, ein Sparkfun Version) gekauft für mein Quadkopter, aber igal wie tausche ich den Register für den Magnetometer, die beide liest immer 0,0,0 für alle 3 Magenetfeld Achse. Der Acc. und Gyro funtioniert aber ganz gut.
Ich habe auch sehr viele Post von anderen Mensch, der auch diese Problem getroffen, aber kein echte Antwort.
Pull up Widerstand habe ich 2 stück 4.7k benutzt, obwohl von den Schiema es gibt schon zwei 10k draufgebaut. Aber igal mit oder ohne zusatzliche Widerstand, liest er immer noch nichts.

Ich habe heute eine andere potentiale Lösung gesehen und getestet, die sagt, dass bevor ein Daten von Magnetometer geliest wird, man muss Bypass Mode anschalten und dann lesen, danach Bypass Mode wieder ausschalten. Aber wie immer: kein Glück.

Hat jemand hier ein solche Bauteil benutzt und auch diese Problem getroffen?

Hier ist der Code, den ich nutze jetzt.
// MPU-9150 Accelerometer + Gyro + Compass + Temperature
// -----------------------------
// By user "frtrobotik" (Tobias Hübner)
// July 2013
//      first version
// Open Source / Public Domain
// Using Arduino 1.0.1
// It will not work with an older version,
// since Wire.endTransmission() uses a parameter
// to hold or release the I2C bus.
// Documentation:
// - The InvenSense documents:
//   - "MPU-9150 Product Specification Revision 4.0",
//     PS-MPU-9150A.pdf
//   - "MPU-9150 Register Map and Descriptions Revision 4.0",
//     RM-MPU-9150A-00.pdf
//   - "MPU-9150 9-Axis Evaluation Board User Guide"
//     AN-MPU-9150EVB-00.pdf
// The accuracy is 16-bits.
// Some parts are copied by the MPU-6050 Playground page.
// There are more Registervalues. Here are only the most
// nessecary ones to get started with this sensor.

#include <Wire.h>

// Register names according to the datasheet.
// According to the InvenSense document
// "MPU-9150 Register Map and Descriptions Revision 4.0",

#define MPU_9150_WIA                    0x00    // Mag Who I Am
#define MPU_9150_CNTL                   0x0A    // Magnetometer control
#define MPU_9150_I2C_MAGN_ADDRESS       0x0C    // Address of the magnetometer in bypass mode

#define MPU_9150_AKM_ID                 0x48    // Mag device ID
#define MPU_9150_ST1                    0x02    // Magnetometer status 1
#define MPU_9150_HXL                    0x03    // Mag X axis Low
 #define MPU_9150_HXH                    0x04    // Mag X axis High
 #define MPU_9150_HYL                    0x05    // Mag Y axis Low
 #define MPU_9150_HYH                    0x06    // Mag Y axis High
 #define MPU_9150_HZL                    0x07    // Mag Z axis Low
 #define MPU_9150_HZH                    0x08    // Mag Z axis High
 #define MPU_9150_ST2                    0x09    // Magnetometer status 2

#define MPU9150_SELF_TEST_X        0x0D   // R/W
#define MPU9150_SELF_TEST_Y        0x0E   // R/W
#define MPU9150_SELF_TEST_Z        0x0F   // R/W
#define MPU9150_SELF_TEST_A        0x10   // R/W
#define MPU9150_SMPLRT_DIV         0x19   // R/W
#define MPU9150_CONFIG             0x1A   // R/W
#define MPU9150_GYRO_CONFIG        0x1B   // R/W
#define MPU9150_ACCEL_CONFIG       0x1C   // R/W
#define MPU9150_FF_THR             0x1D   // R/W
#define MPU9150_FF_DUR             0x1E   // R/W
#define MPU9150_MOT_THR            0x1F   // R/W
#define MPU9150_MOT_DUR            0x20   // R/W
#define MPU9150_ZRMOT_THR          0x21   // R/W
#define MPU9150_ZRMOT_DUR          0x22   // R/W
#define MPU9150_FIFO_EN            0x23   // R/W
#define MPU9150_I2C_MST_CTRL       0x24   // R/W
#define MPU9150_I2C_SLV0_ADDR      0x25   // R/W
#define MPU9150_I2C_SLV0_REG       0x26   // R/W
#define MPU9150_I2C_SLV0_CTRL      0x27   // R/W
#define MPU9150_I2C_SLV1_ADDR      0x28   // R/W
#define MPU9150_I2C_SLV1_REG       0x29   // R/W
#define MPU9150_I2C_SLV1_CTRL      0x2A   // R/W
#define MPU9150_I2C_SLV2_ADDR      0x2B   // R/W
#define MPU9150_I2C_SLV2_REG       0x2C   // R/W
#define MPU9150_I2C_SLV2_CTRL      0x2D   // R/W
#define MPU9150_I2C_SLV3_ADDR      0x2E   // R/W
#define MPU9150_I2C_SLV3_REG       0x2F   // R/W
#define MPU9150_I2C_SLV3_CTRL      0x30   // R/W
#define MPU9150_I2C_SLV4_ADDR      0x31   // R/W
#define MPU9150_I2C_SLV4_REG       0x32   // R/W
#define MPU9150_I2C_SLV4_DO        0x33   // R/W
#define MPU9150_I2C_SLV4_CTRL      0x34   // R/W
#define MPU9150_I2C_SLV4_DI        0x35   // R  
#define MPU9150_I2C_MST_STATUS     0x36   // R
#define MPU9150_INT_PIN_CFG        0x37   // R/W
#define MPU9150_INT_ENABLE         0x38   // R/W
#define MPU9150_INT_STATUS         0x3A   // R  
#define MPU9150_ACCEL_XOUT_H       0x3B   // R  
#define MPU9150_ACCEL_XOUT_L       0x3C   // R  
#define MPU9150_ACCEL_YOUT_H       0x3D   // R  
#define MPU9150_ACCEL_YOUT_L       0x3E   // R  
#define MPU9150_ACCEL_ZOUT_H       0x3F   // R  
#define MPU9150_ACCEL_ZOUT_L       0x40   // R  
#define MPU9150_TEMP_OUT_H         0x41   // R  
#define MPU9150_TEMP_OUT_L         0x42   // R  
#define MPU9150_GYRO_XOUT_H        0x43   // R  
#define MPU9150_GYRO_XOUT_L        0x44   // R  
#define MPU9150_GYRO_YOUT_H        0x45   // R  
#define MPU9150_GYRO_YOUT_L        0x46   // R  
#define MPU9150_GYRO_ZOUT_H        0x47   // R  
#define MPU9150_GYRO_ZOUT_L        0x48   // R  
#define MPU9150_EXT_SENS_DATA_00   0x49   // R  
#define MPU9150_EXT_SENS_DATA_01   0x4A   // R  -------------------
#define MPU9150_EXT_SENS_DATA_02   0x4B   // R  
#define MPU9150_EXT_SENS_DATA_03   0x4C   // R  for Compass
#define MPU9150_EXT_SENS_DATA_04   0x4D   // R  
#define MPU9150_EXT_SENS_DATA_05   0x4E   // R  
#define MPU9150_EXT_SENS_DATA_06   0x4F   // R  -------------------
#define MPU9150_EXT_SENS_DATA_07   0x50   // R  
#define MPU9150_EXT_SENS_DATA_08   0x51   // R  
#define MPU9150_EXT_SENS_DATA_09   0x52   // R  
#define MPU9150_EXT_SENS_DATA_10   0x53   // R  
#define MPU9150_EXT_SENS_DATA_11   0x54   // R  
#define MPU9150_EXT_SENS_DATA_12   0x55   // R  
#define MPU9150_EXT_SENS_DATA_13   0x56   // R  
#define MPU9150_EXT_SENS_DATA_14   0x57   // R  
#define MPU9150_EXT_SENS_DATA_15   0x58   // R  
#define MPU9150_EXT_SENS_DATA_16   0x59   // R  
#define MPU9150_EXT_SENS_DATA_17   0x5A   // R  
#define MPU9150_EXT_SENS_DATA_18   0x5B   // R  
#define MPU9150_EXT_SENS_DATA_19   0x5C   // R  
#define MPU9150_EXT_SENS_DATA_20   0x5D   // R  
#define MPU9150_EXT_SENS_DATA_21   0x5E   // R  
#define MPU9150_EXT_SENS_DATA_22   0x5F   // R  
#define MPU9150_EXT_SENS_DATA_23   0x60   // R  
#define MPU9150_MOT_DETECT_STATUS  0x61   // R  
#define MPU9150_I2C_SLV0_DO        0x63   // R/W
#define MPU9150_I2C_SLV1_DO        0x64   // R/W
#define MPU9150_I2C_SLV2_DO        0x65   // R/W
#define MPU9150_I2C_SLV3_DO        0x66   // R/W
#define MPU9150_I2C_MST_DELAY_CTRL 0x67   // R/W
#define MPU9150_SIGNAL_PATH_RESET  0x68   // R/W
#define MPU9150_MOT_DETECT_CTRL    0x69   // R/W
#define MPU9150_USER_CTRL          0x6A   // R/W
#define MPU9150_PWR_MGMT_1         0x6B   // R/W
#define MPU9150_PWR_MGMT_2         0x6C   // R/W
#define MPU9150_FIFO_COUNTH        0x72   // R/W
#define MPU9150_FIFO_COUNTL        0x73   // R/W
#define MPU9150_FIFO_R_W           0x74   // R/W
#define MPU9150_WHO_AM_I           0x75   // R

//MPU9150 Compass
#define MPU9150_CMPS_XOUT_L        0x4A   // R
#define MPU9150_CMPS_XOUT_H        0x4B   // R
#define MPU9150_CMPS_YOUT_L        0x4C   // R
#define MPU9150_CMPS_YOUT_H        0x4D   // R
#define MPU9150_CMPS_ZOUT_L        0x4E   // R
#define MPU9150_CMPS_ZOUT_H        0x4F   // R

// I2C address 0x69 could be 0x68 of 0x69 depends on your wiring. 
int MPU9150_I2C_ADDRESS = 0x68;

//Variables where our values can be stored
int cmps[3];
int accl[3];
int gyro[3];
int temp;

void setup()
  // Initialize the Serial Bus for printing data.

  // Initialize the 'Wire' class for the I2C-bus.

  // Clear the 'sleep' bit to start the sensor. Turn off Sleep Mode
  MPU9150_writeSensor(MPU9150_PWR_MGMT_1, 0);



void loop()
  // Print all sensor values which the sensor provides
  // Formated all values as x, y, and z in order for
  // Compass, Gyro, Acceleration. The First value is
  // the temperature.

  double dT = ( (double) MPU9150_readSensor(MPU9150_TEMP_OUT_L,MPU9150_TEMP_OUT_H) + 12412.0) / 340.0;
  Serial.print("  ");

/* Bypass Mode on and off Method
   MPU9150_writeSensor(MPU9150_INT_PIN_CFG,0b00000010); // Bypass mode enabled
   MPU9150_writeSensor(MPU9150_USER_CTRL,0b01000000);//turn off I2C Master
   cmps[1] = MPU9150_readSensor(MPU9150_CMPS_XOUT_L,MPU9150_CMPS_XOUT_H);
   cmps[2] = MPU9150_readSensor(MPU9150_CMPS_YOUT_L,MPU9150_CMPS_YOUT_H);
   cmps[3] = MPU9150_readSensor(MPU9150_CMPS_ZOUT_L,MPU9150_CMPS_ZOUT_H);
   Serial.print("  ");
   Serial.print("  ");
   Serial.print("  ");

   MPU9150_writeSensor(MPU9150_INT_PIN_CFG,0); // Bypass mode disabled
   MPU9150_writeSensor(MPU9150_USER_CTRL,0b01100000);//turn on I2C Master
  Serial.print("  ");
  Serial.print("  ");
  Serial.print("  ");
  Serial.print("  ");
  Serial.print("  ");
  Serial.print("  ");
  Serial.print("  ");
  Serial.print("  ");


//Thank you to pansenti for setup code.
//I will documented this one later.
void MPU9150_setupCompass(){
  MPU9150_I2C_ADDRESS = 0x0C;      //change Adress to Compass

  MPU9150_writeSensor(0x0A, 0x00); //PowerDownMode
  MPU9150_writeSensor(0x0A, 0x0F); //SelfTest
  MPU9150_writeSensor(0x0A, 0x00); //PowerDownMode

  MPU9150_I2C_ADDRESS = 0x68;      //change Adress to MPU

  MPU9150_writeSensor(0x24, 0x40); //Wait for Data at Slave0
  MPU9150_writeSensor(0x25, 0x8C); //Set i2c address at slave0 at 0x0C
  MPU9150_writeSensor(0x26, 0x02); //Set where reading at slave 0 starts
  MPU9150_writeSensor(0x27, 0x88); //set offset at start reading and enable
  MPU9150_writeSensor(0x28, 0x0C); //set i2c address at slv1 at 0x0C
  MPU9150_writeSensor(0x29, 0x0A); //Set where reading at slave 1 starts
  MPU9150_writeSensor(0x2A, 0x81); //Enable at set length to 1
  MPU9150_writeSensor(0x64, 0x01); //overvride register
  MPU9150_writeSensor(0x67, 0x03); //set delay rate
  MPU9150_writeSensor(0x01, 0x80);

  MPU9150_writeSensor(0x34, 0x04); //set i2c slv4 delay
  MPU9150_writeSensor(0x64, 0x00); //override register
  MPU9150_writeSensor(0x6A, 0x00); //clear usr setting
  MPU9150_writeSensor(0x64, 0x01); //override register
  MPU9150_writeSensor(0x6A, 0x20); //enable master i2c mode
  MPU9150_writeSensor(0x34, 0x13); //disable slv4

///////// I2C functions to get easier all values ///////////

int MPU9150_readSensor(int addrL, int addrH){

  Wire.requestFrom(MPU9150_I2C_ADDRESS, 1, true);
  byte L =;


  Wire.requestFrom(MPU9150_I2C_ADDRESS, 1, true);
  byte H =;

  return (int16_t)((H<<8)+L);

int MPU9150_readSensor(int addr){

  Wire.requestFrom(MPU9150_I2C_ADDRESS, 1, true);

int MPU9150_writeSensor(int addr,int data){

  return 1;
Danke im Voraus.



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