Probleme beim Aufspielen der Software auf die Ardustation

Nicht offen für weitere Antworten.


Neuer Benutzer

habe mir eine Ardustation angeschafft und scheitere nun beim aufspielen der Software. Verwenden möchte ich diese Version, um damit einen Antennentracker zu bauen:
Versucht habe ich es mit dieser Bedienungsanleitung:

Habs geschafft die Arduino-Software mit dem Code zu laden, dann gabs aber bei Drücken des "Überprüfen"-Buttons die erste Fehlermeldung bei einer der Code-Zeilen. Ich komme also über den Punkt 4 der Beschreibung nicht drüber.

Bei der Arduino-Version bin ich dann von der 1.0.5 bei der 1.0.3 gelandet, weil es hieß, dass der Code nicht zu kompilieren ist mit der aktuellen Version. Geklappt hats aber auch nicht mit der 1.0.3 er Version.

Leider kenne ich mich mit Programmierung und auch mit der Arduino-Anwendung nicht aus. Es gibt da noch den Reiter "tools", bei dem mir auch nciht klar ist, ob ich hier vorher noch was auswählen muss (außer wie in der Anleitung beschrieben das Board. In dem Code ist auch einiges an Erläuterungen enthalten. Vielleicht kann mir hier jemand weiterhelfen? Ich habe das Gefühl man muss hier vielleicht noch einige Code-Zeilen verändern, damit die Software geladen werden kann.



ergebener Benutzer
Naja, wie so oft auch, ist es wichtig, wenn du uns die Fehlermeldung mitteilst ;)

Eine Vermutung habe ich jedoch... Hast du denn den für dein Board betreffenden Chip ausgewählt?
Das steht nämlich nicht mit in der Anleitung. Da solltest du den 328 auswählen. (kann dir grad nicht ganz genau alles sagen, weil ich grad kein arduino installiert habe...)


Neuer Benutzer

den Chip wähle ich aus bei Tools-Board? - hier ist Arduino Uno ausgewählt. Die Fehlermeldung heißt "variable or field "gcs_handleMessage" declared void.
Sagt mir leider gar nichts. Ich habe mittlerweile auch die Seite mit den alteren Arduino-versionen gefunden, aber weder die Version 1.00 noch die 022 funktioniert.
Bei der 1.03er Version markiert er dabei diese Zeile (bei obiger Fehlermeldung):
#define FLIGHT_DATA 7

Das ist der ganze Source code.

// Ardustation 2
// This code is highly alpha quality, be aware...
// This is was original created by psmitty for APM and AC2 based upon orginal Ardustation code
// Modified to add tilt/pan functionality by Heino Pull ([email protected]) 7/23/2011
// Used tilt.pan solution with HITEC-485 servos.
// for development and testing.
// RAM is really tight so I had to remove the PID modification for Ardupilot Mega.
// v2.0.03 Modified to add battery monitoring, and manual antenna control by Hai Tran ([email protected]) 4 August 2011
// Cleaned up references to PIDS menu and replaced with Antenna Stop menu (ANTS)
// Manual antenna control menu item is called ANT_TEST in the code, and called Antenna Test in the main menu
// User should set tilt_pos_upper_limit and tilt_pos_lower_limit to stop the tilt from overshooting. Start with 0 and 180 and when in the antenna testing menu find out what the min and max should be for your setup and set those values in the code.

// v2.0.05 Added conversion factor for display meters vs feet
// Added JeffE's reformat of flight data display
// Removed one debug flight data display (Heino Pull) 8/11/2011

// Clean up code for easier code handling if needed to edit in future
// Tabs added Antenna / EEPROM / Flight_Data / MAV_Link / Params
// Added GPS Fix indicator
// Jeff E 8/12/2011

// v2.0.06 Increased the text label of the params from 10 chars to 12 chars by removing the
// Trailing "<" that identifies the current selected param, also remove one blank char space
// this makes it easier to determine which param field is selected.

// v2.0.07 Changed displayed values on tab 1 of flight data - needed to double the bearing value - the actual value is wrt the servo angle from Arduino (0-180) need (0-360) - bearing back to home
// Change on tab 1 - dir to aircraft from home (pan position) needs svbearinghome to get right value. Tested both values on the readymaderc hardware.
// Heino Pull 8/13/2011

// v2.0.08 Fix metre/feet dist conv setting. Default is now metric

// v2.0.09 Added detection of Fixed wing and Multicopter. Now supports both APM and ACM.

// v2.0.10 Fixed Mavlink interface changes for library with ACM 2.0.47. Made the send Mavlink message more standard with recommended calling style. Also reduced local stack usage when sending message.
// Fixed parameter names for Arducopter. When droneType = 2 , parameter download/mod should work
// Arducopter does not report droneType=2, so auto detect of APM/ACM is broken for now. Need to request change on ACM software to set droneType=2 on Mavlink.
// Handles APM (droneType=1) or ACM (droneType=2). Arduplane parameters don't work right now - need to check parameter names. Antenna pointing works for both Arduplane and Arducopter

// Heino R. Pull ([email protected]) 10/13/2011

// v2.0.11 Fixed autodetection of ArduPlane or Arducopter from Mavlink. Uses sysid and compid from the Mavlink heartbeat to determine whether ArduPlane or Arducopter parameters should be enabled.
// Fixed parameter names to match ArduPlane 2.24. Parameter download and edit works for ArduPlane and Arducopter.
// Fixed parameter name length issue that caused Ardustation to crash for long parameter names.
// Fixed start and stop of Mavlink feed for ArduPlane.
// Antenna tracking tested for both Arducopter 2.0.48 and ArduPlane 2.24.
// Heino R. Pull ([email protected]) 10/15/2011

// v2.0.12 Fixed ambiguous function overload for lcd.write (because of new libraries and Arduino 1.0)
// Updated displayed editable parameters for ACM 2.5.3 and APM 2.30
// Additional ACM parameters added for camera stab gains roll and pitch.
// Heino R. Pull ([email protected]) 4/3/2012

// v2.0.13 Added missed parameter for Arducopter - stabilize_d, stabilize_d_schedule, acro_p, axis_lock_p, axis_enable - total of 47 parameters
// Heino R. Pull ([email protected]) 4/17/2012

// v2.0.14 Added more (oops) missing D parameters - rate roll d, rate pitch d, rate yaw d, loiter d, nav d, throttle rate d - total of 55 parameters
// Fixing parameter update problem due to truncated received Mavlink nessages (Xbee in xmit mode, and bytes dropped). Added Mavlink parser reset when messages truncated by Xbee (too much 1 Hz traffic for xmit frame)
// Heino R. Pull ([email protected]) 5/20/2012

// v2.0.15 Added Mavlink 1.0 support. Support for Mavlink 0.9 is also maintained. Default is Mavlink 1.0, comment out define below to restore Mavlink 0.9. Mavlink 1.0 changes to heartbeat, and gps raw message added. Different scaling for lat/lon and
// other parameters in the GPS raw message. Message parameter renames accomodated. Added wrong Mavlink detector - checks for wrong heartbeat format being received, if detected, stops running and indicates to change the #define MAVLINK10 state for
// the actual Mavlink format received. Also displays if it is compiled for Mavlink 1.0 or 0.9.
// Heino R. Pull ([email protected]) 6/5/2012

// v2.0.16 Added serial port diagnostic data as a new display type. Displays every half a second the count of serial bytes received and a dump of 15 bytes occuring after 500 msecs of no bytes received (start of a frame of data). Select "Serial Stat" to display this data
// Allows viewing basic data values for the start of Mavlink messages. For Mavlink 1.0 heartbeat you should see a message start of: FE 09 XX 01 01 00 MM 00 00 00 where XX = is an incrementing sequence number for each subsequent message. MM = mode 00 = stab,
// 02 = Alt hold, 05 = Loiter.
// It is best to select "Stop Feed" to display heartbeat messages. If you "Start feed", you'll see a sampling of various messages and partial data including the heartbeat messages.
// Actually used the APM and ACM parameter defines in the code for easier parameter update.
// Limited the detection of invalid Mavlink after 3 valid heartbeats are received - this limits the posibility of getting Mavlink data that trips up the wrong heartbeat parser.
// Added option of displaying relative altitude to stored home altitude on flight data display. Press the center button to toggle display of altitude above home altitude (displays AH instead of AT on LCD).
// Added servo slew speed library to control how fast a tracking antenna slews in both pan and tilt. Default is the old behavior (fast slew), but defines for pan and tilt allow the control of the slew speed. Thanks to
// Burt Green for the idea and a pointer to the servo library.
// Added parameter diagnostic - using serial diagnostics - displays a bit map (in hex) of what parameters of the list in params.pde were actually received
// Heino R. Pull ([email protected]) 9/4/2012
// v2.0.17 Moved number of satellites to main raw GPS message to line up with Arducopter 2.9.1
// Added range/bearing algorithm from James Masterman - found to be more accurate at his location. The default algorithm is the original 3DR one. The algorithm can be changed by pressing the center button on the
// flight data -> antenna range bearing display.
// v2.0.18 Added battery voltage alarm. Reenabled buzzer (with interrupt) and added a voltage adjust screen between 9.9 and 12.6 volts. Default voltage is 10.6 volts which can be changed in the source to another default value.
// Alarm sounds once each LCD screen update (about 1hz) ONLY on the "Flight Data" display. If you are
// on another screen besides the "Flight Data" display, THE ALARM WILL NOT SOUND.
// Please test the battery warning on the ground so that you understand the behavior before flight. Only tested with Arducopter 2.9.1.
// Heino R. Pull ([email protected]) 4/3/2013

// v2.0.19 Fixed issue with servospeed library incorrectly determining the servo pulse endpoints
// Heino R Pull ([email protected]) 7/8/2013

// v2.0.20
// Changed the antenna test screen to use actual pitch yaw values in degrees instead of the internal values. Expanded range of the tilt test to be really be 90 degrees (old version just short).
// Added pwm values for both servos. Added test Arduino pwm ranges so that the values can be adjusted without recompiling the software. Added the VFR hud Mavlink message for those with 3DR OSD.
// Added constants to allow servo reversal at compile time. Added the option to use the altitude from the VFR Hud message (derived from baro alt) for better vertical antenna positioning than GPS.
// Heino R Pull ([email protected]) 8/3/2013

// If you edit this code please add comments and increment the version number.
// Current Version: 2.0.20
#define MAVLINK10 // Uncomment for MAVLINK 1.0, otherwise comment out for MAVLINK 0.9

#include <FastSerial.h>
#include <GCS_MAVLink.h>
#include <avr/pgmspace.h>
#include <LiquidCrystal.h>
#include <EEPROM.h>
#include <AP_EEPROMB.h> // ArduPilot Mega RC Library

//#include <Servo.h>
#include <VarSpeedServo.h>
#include "parameter.h"
#undef PROGMEM
#define PROGMEM __attribute__(( section("") ))

#undef PSTR
#define PSTR(s) (__extension__({static const char __c[] PROGMEM = (s); &__c[0];}))

#define SERIAL_BAUD 57600
#define BUZZERON // is the buzzer on?

// data streams active and rates

// update rate is times per second (hz)

#define GET_PARAMS_TIMEOUT 200 //(20 seconds)

// store strings in flash memory
#define MAIN_MENU 0
#define START_FEEDS 1
#define STOP_FEEDS 2
#define ANTS 3
#define ANT_TEST 4
#define GET_PARAMS 5
#define FLIGHT_DATA 7
#define INIT_EEPROM 8
#define SERIAL_DIAG 9
#define EDIT_PARAM 10
#define SAVE_PARAM 11

#define APM_PARAMS 37 //Check in Params.pde that the set of APM parameters are numberd 0 to this number -1
#define ACM_PARAMS 48 //Check in Params.pde that the set of ACM parameters are number 0 to this number - 1

#define DIST_CONV 1.0 // For distance display in meters choose 0.0, for feet 3.2808

LiquidCrystal lcd(2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8); //Initailizing lcd object (this is real C++).

void lcd_print_P(const char *string)
char c;
while( (c = pgm_read_byte(string++)) )

#define toRad(x) (x*PI)/180.0
#define toDeg(x) (x*180.0)/PI

unsigned long hb_timer;
unsigned long timer;

// Choose GPS altitude or VFR Hud Altitude (derived from baro)
#define ALTITUDE_CHOICE 1 // 0 = GPS raw data, 1 = VFR HUD altitud
#define TILT_SPEED 0 // speed of servo for tilt (0 = old behavior - fast speed, 1=slowest speed, 255 = fastest speed)
#define PAN_SPEED 0 // speed of servo for pan (0 = old behavior - fast speed, 1=slowest speed, 255 = fastest speed)
#define SERVO_MAX 2600 //Range of servos pitch and roll
#define SERVO_MIN 400
#define TEST_PAN 0 //Test pan min and max (for calibration)
#define TEST_SOUTH 0 //test the south (just poing to south)
#define TEST_TILT 0 //test the tilt max and min (for calibration)
VarSpeedServo Pan;
VarSpeedServo Tilt;
// Variables to hold test servo limits
#define PANLOW 609
#define PANHIGH 2255
#define TILTLOW 591
#define TILTHIGH 2235
#define PANREVERSE 0 // Set = 1 if the pan servo should be reversed for bearing output
#define TILTREVERSE 0 // Set = 1 if the tilt servo should be reversed for pitch up angle
#define tilt_pos_upper_limit 140 // Upper tilt limit (antenna points to the horizon)
#define tilt_pos_lower_limit 50 // Lower tilt limit (anntenna points to the sky)
int panLow = PANLOW;
int panHigh = PANHIGH;
int tiltLow = TILTLOW;
int tiltHigh = TILTHIGH;
// Servo Cal variables
int pan_pos = 90;
int tilt_pos = 90;
int chg_angle = 0;
//int original_pan_pos = 90;
//int original_tilt_pos = 90;
//int original_chg_angle = 0;

byte param_rec[7];

float Latitude_Home=0;
float Longitud_Home=0;
int Altitude_Home = 0;
float Distance_Home=0;
float Distance3D_Home=0;
int Angle_Home=0;
int Constrain_Angle_Home = 0;
float Bearing_Home=0;
float SvBearingHome = 0;

float VoltWarn = 10.6;
float offset = 0;
// flight data
byte relAltitude = 0; // if =1 use relative altitude for display instead of GPS alt above sea level
float altitude=0.0;
float pitch=0;
float roll=0;
float yaw=0;
float longitude=0;
float latitude=0;
float latoffset = 0.0;
float altoffset = 100.0;
float velocity = 0;
int numSats=0;
float battery=0;
byte MakeNoise = 0;
int currentSMode=0;
int currentNMode=0;
int gpsfix=0;

// menus etc
byte editServo = 0; // 0 pan/tilt antenna, 1 edit pan low servo endpoint, 2 edit pan high servo endpoint, 3 edit tilt low servo endpoint, 4 edit tilt high servo endpoint
byte menu=0;
byte subMenu=0;
byte currentOption=0;
byte lastOption=0;
int timeOut=0;
byte redraw=1;
byte waitingAck=0;
parameter editParm;
byte paramsRecv=0;
byte beat=0;
byte droneType = 1; // 0 = Not established, 1 = APM, 2 = ACM - Normally read from Mavlink heartbeat, but ACM returns 0, not 2
byte autoPilot = 3; // This should be 3 for ArdupilotMeg
uint8_t received_sysid=0; ///< ID of heartbeat sender
uint8_t received_compid=0; // component id of heartbeat sender
byte TOTAL_PARAMS = ACM_PARAMS; // default total params to ACM set up

byte rng_bear_alg = 0; // 0 = Use 3DR algorithm, 1= Use James Masterman algorithm (more precise in Australia)

// Saved time (in msecs) for the last message byte received while not in Mavlink idle
// 0 = in idle - no message in process
long timeLastByte = 0;
long maxByteTime = 0;

// Check for 3 valid heartbeats and shut down wrong Mavlink type
byte numGoodHeartbeats = 0;

// Saved time (in msecs) for the last byte read from the serial port
long lastByteTime = 0;
uint8_t byt[15]; // Saved received bytes
uint8_t byt_Counter = 0;
uint8_t b_ct;
int byte_per_half_sec = 0;
int last_byte_per = 0;

// Wrong Mavlink Version detector
byte wrongMavlinkState = 0; // Check incoming serial seperately from Mavlink library - in case we have wrong Mavlink source
// State 0 means Mavlink header not yet detected
// if State = 5 we are receiving the wrong Mavlink format
byte packetStartByte = 0; // first byte detected used to store which wrong Mavlink was detected 0x55 Mavlink 0.9, 0xFE Mavlink 1.0

byte heart[8] = {

/*byte fix2D[8] = {

byte fix3D[8] = {
}; */

void lcdPrintString(int stringId, const char *table[])
char buffer[21];
strcpy_P(buffer, (char*)pgm_read_word(&(table[stringId])));

void setup()
lcd.createChar(0, heart);
// lcd.createChar(1, fix2D);
// lcd.createChar(2, fix3D);
//Servo Calibration!!!!

Pan.attach(9,PANLOW,PANHIGH);//PAN Servos //These numbers seem to work well for the HITEC-485 servos
Tilt.attach(10,TILTLOW,TILTHIGH);//Tilt Elevator
// pan_pos = 0;
// while (1)
// {
// delay(100);
// pan_pos++;
// if (pan_pos > 180)
// pan_pos = 0;
// Pan.slowmove(pan_pos,PAN_SPEED);
// Tilt.slowmove(tilt_pos,TILT_SPEED);
// }


lcd.begin(20, 4);
pinMode(14,OUTPUT); //Pin mode as output to control buzzer (analog0)
lcd_print_P(PSTR("ArduStation 2.0.20"));
lcd.setCursor(0, 1);
#ifdef MAVLINK10
lcd_print_P(PSTR(" with MAVLink 1.0"));
#else // MAVLINK10
lcd_print_P(PSTR(" with MAVLink 0.9"));
#endif // MAVLINK10
lcd.setCursor(0, 2);
lcd_print_P(PSTR(" and"));
lcd_print_P(PSTR(" Antenna Tracking "));
if (EEPROM_readRevision() != 0)
lcd_print_P(PSTR("Starting xbee..."));

void loop()
// If we detect the wrong Mavlink - display the wrong version and don't process the menu

if (numGoodHeartbeats<3) // Shut this test down when we get 3 good valid Mavlink heartbeats
if ( wrongMavlinkState==6)
lcd_print_P(PSTR("Wrong Mavlink"));
lcd_print_P(PSTR("Recompile with"));
#ifdef MAVLINK10
lcd_print_P(PSTR("Mavlink 0.9"));
#else // MAVLINK10
lcd_print_P(PSTR("Mavlink 1.0"));
#endif // MAVLINK10
while (1) // lock up the software with message on LCD

switch (menu)
case MAIN_MENU: // main menu
if (redraw == 1)
case START_FEEDS: // start feeds
case STOP_FEEDS: // stop feeds
case ANTS: // ANTS - replaced PIDS adjustment with set servo hard stop menu
if (redraw == 1)
case ANT_TEST: //Antenna Test
if (redraw == 1)
case GET_PARAMS: // get params
case EDIT_VIEW_PARAMS: // view/edit params
if (redraw == 1)
case FLIGHT_DATA: // flight data
case INIT_EEPROM: // init eeprom
case SERIAL_DIAG: // Serial port & parameter diagnostics

for (b_ct = 0; b_ct<7; b_ct++) // display bitmap of parameters received.
if (param_rec[b_ct] < 16)
if (last_byte_per<10)
lcd.print(" ");
if (last_byte_per<100)
lcd.print(" ");
if (redraw==1)
for (b_ct = 0; b_ct<15; b_ct++)
if (byt[b_ct]<16)
lcd.print(" ");
if (b_ct==0)
if (b_ct==7)

if (redraw == 1)
if (millis() - hb_timer > 500)
hb_timer = millis();
last_byte_per = byte_per_half_sec;
byte_per_half_sec = 0;
// lcd.setCursor(0,3); // Diagnostic for Mavlink parser reset code
// lcd.print(maxByteTime);
if (beat == 1)
beat = 0;
lcd_print_P(PSTR(" "));


void lcd_debug(char* msg)
void main_menu() // menu 0
if (currentOption < 4)
lcd_print_P(PSTR("Start Feeds"));
lcd_print_P(PSTR("Stop Feeds"));
lcd_print_P(PSTR("Antenna Stop"));
lcd_print_P(PSTR("Antenna Test"));
// lcd.LiquidCrystal::write(1);
if (currentOption > 3 && currentOption < 8)
// lcd.setCursor(18,0);
// lcd.LiquidCrystal::write(2);
lcd_print_P(PSTR("Get Params"));
lcd_print_P(PSTR("Edit/View Params"));
lcd_print_P(PSTR("Flight Data"));
lcd_print_P(PSTR("Init EEPROM"));
if (currentOption >7 && currentOption<9)


redraw = 0;

int availableMemory() {
int size = 2048;
byte *buf;

while ((buf = (byte *) malloc(--size)) == NULL)


return size;


Neuer Benutzer
Hier noch die Meldung bei der Compilierung:

C:\Users\Anwender\Arduino Software\ArduPilot-Arduino-1.0.3-windows\hardware\tools\avr\bin\avr-g++ -c -g -Os -Wall -fno-exceptions -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -mmcu=atmega328p -DF_CPU=16000000L -MMD -DUSB_VID=null -DUSB_PID=null -DARDUINO=103 -IC:\Users\Anwender\Arduino Software\ArduPilot-Arduino-1.0.3-windows\hardware\arduino\cores\arduino -IC:\Users\Anwender\Arduino Software\ArduPilot-Arduino-1.0.3-windows\hardware\arduino\variants\standard -IC:\Users\Anwender\Arduino Software\ArduPilot-Arduino-1.0.3-windows\libraries\LiquidCrystal -IC:\Users\Anwender\Arduino Software\ArduPilot-Arduino-1.0.3-windows\libraries\EEPROM C:\Users\Anwender\AppData\Local\Temp\build3608655564528256427.tmp\ArduStation2.cpp -o C:\Users\Anwender\AppData\Local\Temp\build3608655564528256427.tmp\ArduStation2.cpp.o
ArduStation2.pde:112:24: warning: FastSerial.h: No such file or directory
ArduStation2.pde:113:25: warning: GCS_MAVLink.h: No such file or directory
ArduStation2.pde:117:55: warning: AP_EEPROMB.h: No such file or directory
ArduStation2.pde:121:27: warning: VarSpeedServo.h: No such file or directory
ArduStation2:160: error: variable or field 'gcs_handleMessage' declared void
ArduStation2:160: error: 'mavlink_message_t' was not declared in this scope
ArduStation2:160: error: 'msg' was not declared in this scope
ArduStation2:161: error: variable or field 'gcs_handleMessage' declared void
ArduStation2:161: error: 'mavlink_message_t' was not declared in this scope
ArduStation2:161: error: 'msg' was not declared in this scope
ArduStation2:162: error: variable or field 'send_message' declared void
ArduStation2:162: error: 'mavlink_message_t' was not declared in this scope
ArduStation2:162: error: 'msg' was not declared in this scope
ArduStation2:123: error: 'AP_EEPROMB' does not name a type
ArduStation2:132: error: expected constructor, destructor, or type conversion before '(' token
ArduStation2:196: error: 'VarSpeedServo' does not name a type
ArduStation2:197: error: 'VarSpeedServo' does not name a type
ArduStation2.pde: In function 'void setup()':
ArduStation2:345: error: 'Pan' was not declared in this scope
ArduStation2:346: error: 'Tilt' was not declared in this scope
Antenna.pde: In function 'void SaveHomePosition()':
Antenna:6: error: 'eeprom_busy_wait' was not declared in this scope
Antenna:7: error: 'ee' was not declared in this scope
Antenna:11: error: 'eeprom_write_dword' was not declared in this scope
Antenna.pde: In function 'void RestoreHomePosition()':
Antenna:17: error: 'eeprom_busy_wait' was not declared in this scope
Antenna:18: error: 'ee' was not declared in this scope
Antenna:22: error: 'eeprom_read_dword' was not declared in this scope
Antenna.pde: In function 'void SetAntennaPosition()':
Antenna:39: error: 'Pan' was not declared in this scope
Antenna:45: error: 'Tilt' was not declared in this scope
Antenna.pde: In function 'void SetServoHardStop()':
Antenna:108: error: 'Pan' was not declared in this scope
Antenna.pde: In function 'void position_antenna()':
Antenna:187: error: 'ToDeg' was not declared in this scope
Antenna:200: error: 'Pan' was not declared in this scope
Antenna:214: error: 'Tilt' was not declared in this scope
Buttons.pde: In function 'unsigned char Button_0()':
Buttons.pde:3: warning: unused variable 'lock'
Buttons.pde: In function 'unsigned char Button_1()':
Buttons.pde:18: warning: unused variable 'lock'
Buttons.pde: In function 'unsigned char Button_2()':
Buttons.pde:33: warning: unused variable 'lock'
Buttons.pde: In function 'unsigned char Button_3()':
Buttons.pde:47: warning: unused variable 'lock'
Buttons.pde: In function 'unsigned char Button_4()':
Buttons.pde:61: warning: unused variable 'lock'
Buttons.pde: In function 'void updatepan()':
Buttons:115: error: 'Pan' was not declared in this scope
Buttons.pde: In function 'void updatetilt()':
Buttons:120: error: 'Tilt' was not declared in this scope
Buttons.pde: In function 'void Check_Buttons(byte)':
Buttons.pde:126: warning: unused variable 'button_byte'
EEPROM.pde: In function 'int EEPROM_readRevision()':
EEPROM.pde:16: warning: unused variable 'lowByte'
EEPROM.pde:17: warning: unused variable 'highByte'
EEPROM.pde: In function 'int EEPROM_writeParameter(int, parameter&)':
EEPROM.pde:29: warning: comparison between signed and unsigned integer expressions
EEPROM.pde: In function 'int EEPROM_writeFloat(int, float&)':
EEPROM.pde:41: warning: comparison between signed and unsigned integer expressions
EEPROM.pde: In function 'int EEPROM_readParameter(int, parameter&)':
EEPROM.pde:53: warning: comparison between signed and unsigned integer expressions
EEPROM.pde: In function 'void init_EEPROM()':
EEPROM.pde:62: warning: unused variable 'buffer'
GPS_MATH.pde: In function 'float calc_bearing_alt(float, float, float, float)':
GPS_MATH.pde:44: warning: unused variable 'dLat'
MAVLink.pde: At global scope:
MAVLink:1: error: variable or field 'gcs_handleMessage' declared void
MAVLink:1: error: 'mavlink_message_t' was not declared in this scope
MAVLink:1: error: 'msg' was not declared in this scope


Neuer Benutzer

meinst Du den Order mit der Software (Arduino - da gibts einen eigenen Ordner mit libraries) oder für das Board (Ardupilot2)
Laut der Beschreibung für das Board sollten im Skretchbook zwei Ordner angezeigt werden?:

2. Download the latest supported version of the ArduStation code from here: Unzip this file to the empty sketchbook folder. After this is done, your sketchbook folder will have two directories in it: ArduStation2 and libraries.
Wenn ich den eins tiefer schiebe, bringt es nichts. Der Ordner hat ja auch wieder ziemlich viele Unterordner.
Das ist jetzt der Ordner für die Software für das Board:
Im Ordner "Ardustation2 habe ich mehrere Programme, die im Arduino auch unter mehreren Reitern dargestellt werden - ArduStation2, Antenna, etc. (enden alle mit .PDE )



Neuer Benutzer

ich glaub ich spinn, aber ich habs kapiert und es hat geklappt. Die Unterordner im Library von der Ardustation in die Library des Arduino reinkopieren!!!!

Wahnsinn. Vielen Dank für die Hilfe!!! Doch noch ein Erfolg am Ende eines langen Tages.

Viele Grüße


Neuer Benutzer

jetzt habe ich nach langem rumprobieren, um das Ding zum laufen zu bringen, doch noch eine Frage: Was muss ich machen, wenn ich in der Software parameter ändere und die dann wieder in die Ardustation einspielen möchte? Einfach ändern, sichern und nach Kompilen einfach uploaden hat nichts gebracht, es war immer noch der alte Stand auf der Ardustation? Scheinbar überschreibt er nicht einfach??

Nicht offen für weitere Antworten.


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