Nicht hauen, wenn das ein alter Hut ist, aber dass man die Wirkung der Wind und Lichtabdeckung des APM mit Taschenlampe, Fön und VSI testen kann, ist mir selber nicht eingefallen...
Quelle: >>> RCG jabram (bei alllen Widersprüchen bzgl. GPS , das ist mal wieder ein super Beitrag.)
PS: Bei meinem APM Phantom habe ich das gar nicht bemerkt, beim APM Flamewheel war das Baro eine Spur zu beleuchtet und durch die vielen offenen Ports zudem ungünstig belüftet.
Having some piece of foam over the barometer and having a piece of foam that blocks all light yet allows atmospheric pressure to be sensed correctly are 2 different things.
Not all foam is created equal.
Pink foam supplied by 3DR is USELESS to block light from a barometer.
Use a black foam that you can blow air through. Hold it up to a bright light, can you see any light through it ? if you can it is NO GOOD.
Having found a suitable piece of foam place it over the barometer making sure the surrounding bright LEDs do NOT shine light into the foam !!
Then test it using Mission Planner - FLIGHT DATA - Gauges - VSI
The VSI needle should not move by more than a needle width as you shine a REALLY BRIGHT LIGHT onto the sensor then remove that light, test in Sunlight and shade quickly, VSI needle wildly fluctuating means your foam is useless for barometer light protection, do not just test for light from above, the barometer is also sensitive for light from the sides that can and will enter the 2 small holes on the barometer.
As you can see above, merely saying "Yes I have foam over barometer" means nothing unless you actually test it to ensure the chosen foam is effective.
Be careful not to get glue or any liquid into the barometer holes.
Duct Tape is the least suitable thing I can think of to use for this application.
You also need to keep the wind out of wind-fou out of the barometer
Not all foam is created equal.
Pink foam supplied by 3DR is USELESS to block light from a barometer.
Use a black foam that you can blow air through. Hold it up to a bright light, can you see any light through it ? if you can it is NO GOOD.
Having found a suitable piece of foam place it over the barometer making sure the surrounding bright LEDs do NOT shine light into the foam !!
Then test it using Mission Planner - FLIGHT DATA - Gauges - VSI
The VSI needle should not move by more than a needle width as you shine a REALLY BRIGHT LIGHT onto the sensor then remove that light, test in Sunlight and shade quickly, VSI needle wildly fluctuating means your foam is useless for barometer light protection, do not just test for light from above, the barometer is also sensitive for light from the sides that can and will enter the 2 small holes on the barometer.
As you can see above, merely saying "Yes I have foam over barometer" means nothing unless you actually test it to ensure the chosen foam is effective.
Be careful not to get glue or any liquid into the barometer holes.
Duct Tape is the least suitable thing I can think of to use for this application.
You also need to keep the wind out of wind-fou out of the barometer
PS: Bei meinem APM Phantom habe ich das gar nicht bemerkt, beim APM Flamewheel war das Baro eine Spur zu beleuchtet und durch die vielen offenen Ports zudem ungünstig belüftet.
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