1.Install "Flash Loader Demonstrator"
http://www.st.com/web/en/catalog/tools/PF257525 (v2.6)
2.Disconnect all motors and power supply(battery) from controller.
3.Put Jumper on BOOT0 and NRST!! (marked B and R on the 1.3 board)
4.Connect "USB To COM" converter to USART1 port. GND to GND, 3.3v to 3.3v, RX to TX, TX to RX. (CP2102 converter is perfect for that, also it has 3,3v output, and it is cheap)
NOTE that some CP2102 boards has swapped RX and TX labels. If you have one of these, it will be RX to RX and TX to TX.
5.Connect converter to USB and open "Flash Loader Demonstrator"
6.Select your COM port and BR=115200
7.Disconnect NRST
8. press Next>Next>Next>Select HEX file from project directory>Next
9.If successful, disconnect USART1, connect motors and supply.