Copter-Pilot wird von Frau angegriffen

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Beschreibung unter dem Youtube Video:

Crazed Woman Attacks Man for Flying Camera Drone over Public Beach in Connecticut

Andrea Mears, 23, called the cops, then attacked a man for flying a drone on a public beach in Connecticut.

She ended up getting arrested.

Assault at Hammonasset State Park in Madison, CT
First, Andrea Mears called police on a man for flying his remote control quadcopter over a public beach in Connecticut.

Then, when police didn't respond in seconds, she attacked the man

"He's taking pictures of people on the beach ... with a helicopter plane," she told the cops by phone.

"Can you guys hurry? I already talked to him, just come."

Seconds later, she attacked him.

The man, who goes by Hogwit on Youtube, began recording the encounter on his iPhone as his quadcopter was flying overhead, capturing her clawing at his face and pulling at his shirt.

"You want to take pictures?" she asks him as she jams her fingers into his mouth. "Yeah, you're going to see how it feels when police come."

Then she has the audacity to tell him "let go of me" as she is all over him.

"If you wouldn't be assaulting me, I wouldn't be touching you," he responds, remaining exceptionally calm considering the circumstances.

"He's taking pictures of people on the beach!" she yells as she continues to rip his shirt. "I'm going to kick your ass, you little motherfucker."

"Can someone call the cops!" the man yells. "I'm being assaulted! Help!"

Police arrived and arrested her for assault in the third degree and breach of peace. The incident took place May 12 at Hammonassett State Park in Madison.

UPDATE: Here are more details from the man who was flying the drone that he posted on a forum shortly after the incident:

I went to a nearby beach that is a whopping 2 miles long, set up, talked to some people that were curious what my "thing" was, demonstrated the loiter feature (pulling the quad to one direction or another), demonstrated rtl (flying it away then having it return), and make a lot of people think the quad was just awesome. I never went below 50 feet save for take off/landing, then after the end of my last flight, some crazy lady came over and started taking pictures of me...and dialed 911 for the 3rd time in 15 minutes...she said something to the effect of, "There's a guy here taking pictures at the beach with a helicopter plane." (I distinctly remember her saying, "with a helicopter plane," because that just sounds hilarious.) They basically said that they'd send someone when one gets free during each of the 3 calls she made, she decided they didn't care enough about someone obeying the law so when no one was around she assaulted me and she decided to stop when she got a phone call. I called the police to report the assault, and boy was the response big...10 or more vehicles arrived (cops, DEEP, and an ambulance)...They first listened to her story of lies (she claimed I was taking close ups of people in bikinis, and that she had asked me to stop flying before calling the police, and that I was the one that assaulted her, and and and). The police approached me very aggressively, believing her full story, and before anything else was said I brought up something that she missed... The fact that the cell phone in my hand has a camera...that was recording. I had video evidence that she went nuts completely unprovoked, and was the one that assaulted me. She was then charged with assault, and breach of peace and I gave the cops a copy of the video for their prosecution. I then also showed them my last flight where you can make out her colorful shirt getting up from the beach then following it until it lands which proved that she lied when claiming that she asked me to stop flying before calling the police.
At the end of it all, one of the officers said to me basically, "Flying that thing the way you were is fine, you're not in any trouble. You can come back and fly, but just be aware that some people can be alarmed."

Just a funny thing to add, last time I was there, a British guy had come up to me and said he thought it was a giant mosquito near him. He said that he first saw snake on a hike here in the States as they don't have them in the UK, and thought giant mosquitoes were another animal they didn't have.
Das ist schon fast unglaublich. Hätte er das nicht mit seinem Handy aufgenommen, hätten ihn die Cops mitgenommen...


Eigentlich Futaba.
Finde es ja nett, dass sie sich den freundlichen Quadrocopter-Piloten zum verprügeln raussucht und nicht einen von den hunderten Smartphone- oder GoPro-Nutzern am Strand. Vermutlich hat sie selbst sogar so ein Smartphone, mit dem man jederzeit jemanden Fotografieren könnte, wie er in der Sonne badet, einfach so im vorbeigehen, aus nächster Nähe, FullHD, lautlos und ohne dass es jemand mitbekommt.

...wie ich die Menschheit hasse.


Erfahrener Benutzer
Was so in den Kommentaren zu lesen ist, scheint die "Dame" in der Gegend nicht ganz unbekannt zu sein und nicht gerade den ersten Platz in einem Beliebtheitswettbewerb gewinnen zu können!
Der eine Kommentar über sie, ist allerdings schon...
Wenn man sich das jetzt allerdings mit unseren durchschnittlichen "Nordic-Walking" betreibenden Damen vorstellt, hat er noch Glück gehabt!
Bildchen gefällig? eins, zwei



Erfahrener Benutzer
Habe es erst einmal erlebt, das jemand auf mich zugekommen ist mit dem garnicht zum reden war.
In so einem fall packt mann zusammen und lässt den idioten idiot sein, aber angegriffen zu werden ist halt ein ganz anderes kaliber.

Wüsste nicht ob ich ähnlich gnädig sein könnte, bei einem mann zu 100% nicht.

Gottseidank ist die absolute mehrheit der menschen die mir begegnen, interessiert, begeistert oder sonstwie positiv gestimmt.

Kommt halt immer der "ins schlafzimmer schauen schmäh" zur sprache.

So Long

EDIT: Hier gibts eine Augenkrebsfreundlichere Version Des Videos---- >

Zuletzt bearbeitet:


Erfahrener Benutzer
Wenn man angegriffen wird, kann, darf, muss man sich zur Wehr setzen. Das einpacken und abhauen gibt denen nur noch mehr das Gefühl im Recht zu sein. Auf mich kam auch mal ein Wanderer mit erhobenem Stock zu, drohte mir Prügel an. Machte ihm dann klar zu verstehen, das er hier den kürzeren ziehen würde. Er zog dann von dannen.....


Erfahrener Benutzer
Wenn man angegriffen wird, kann, darf, muss man sich zur Wehr setzen.
Physische Gewalt ist ein eigenes thema keine frage.

Das einpacken und abhauen gibt denen nur noch mehr das Gefühl im Recht zu sein.
Das sehe ich nicht so, solche menschen sehen dich sowieso als bedrohung und als das böse in person.
Was es also sinnlos macht energie darauf zu verschwenden sie eines besseren zu belehren, und wem interessiert schon ob so ein Vollkoffer meint im recht zu sein.
Und es ist auch nicht das prinzip von Aktion/Reaktion, sondern ausschliesslich von Reaktion.

Und durch eine aggressive haltung bestätigt man nur die böse person die der dümmling in dir sieht.

Darum pack ich also zusammen, setzt mich auf mein Rosa Pony und reite lächelnd über den Regenbogen in den Sonnenuntergang.

So Long
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