Den Spruch kappier ich nicht... aber eins muss man Jim Hall lassen.
Kurz nach meinem Post ne Mai an ihn geschrieben und gerade ne Antwort erhalten.
Er Plant wohl noch die Funktion, das die APs mit "mehreren" Schaltern gemacht werden können, bzw wie bei APM und Co.
spezielle Impulsweiten eingestellt werden können wie man es sonst gewohnt ist, um auch Flexibel sein zu können, ob man
alles mit einem oder mehrereren Schaltern machen möchte.
Zitat wegen meiner Anfrage der Switches:
I plan to support more than 3 ranges on the mode selection channel in the future so that people can use dials or combinations of switches to instantly reach all modes, but this is difficult for the average user to set up and operate on a transmitter. In practice, the current approach seems to work well enough for most people. So, this is not a high priority for development.
Zitat wegen meiner Anfrage wieso der User es nicht selbst einstellen kann, sondern eine Mail geschrieben werden muss:
I'm focused on making Ruby product and service most suitable for practical and non-technical users seeking best performance and reliability with minimal time and tinkering.
Ruby is not "open source" in any way. Since its inception in 2005, it has been developed as a closed, proprietary system. This allows me to protect my investment of development time spent building a competitive system with unique advantages.
Ruby uses more sophisticated algorithms than simple "PID" for flight control. They're more robust, offer better performance (less oscillations without being overdamped, not too sensitive to changes in the plane), and require less tuning. Being more sophisticated, they're also are less suitable for tuning by non-expert users, however.
The ground control software provides access to a wealth of variables to those inclined to experiment, but none of it well documented and I can't offer user support for tinkering with those variables. You'll be more likely to create a mess than improve performance.
Note that
[email protected] will dial these variables in for your plane free of charge if anything is less than perfect. You just send your flight data and we review and send back updated configuration.
Zitat von meiner Frage was ich gerade wegen oben genannten mache, wenn er nicht mehr "da" ist, da ich davon ausging, das es eine einzelne Person ist
I have committed the past 7+ years of 60 - 80+ hour work weeks to developing and making Ruby a success. I intend to be devoted to uThere, LLC full-time indefinitely, ideally for the rest of my life. With so much invested, it would be hard for me to walk away from it. The growing libraries of settings files for popular planes would most likely remain available in any event.
Ich hab ihm zwar gesagt das ichs kaufe, sobald er das mit den Schaltern macht, aber scheiss drauf.. 296,85€ zzgl. MWSt und Zoll... nächste Woche müsste ich es haben je nachdem wie der Zoll drauf ist