1.9 -> 2.0
***you need at least Arduino 1.0 IDE to open the .ino file***
Board and sensors:
New sensor:
ACC MMA7544 Accelerometer.
New boards:
A new processor
Coded by ronco based on ATMega 32U4, which can be seen
as an intermediate proc between 328 and 2560, allowing
many improvements over the 328 with nearly the same size.
STM32 port
A nice initiative from dongs to port multiwii to a 32bit processor.
This code allows also to reuse some cheap FC boards and replace the
firmware by a multiwii one. (boards like FreeFlight FC that can be
found on goodluckbuy site, or specific boards designed by dongs like AfroFlight32)
Stable mode
BMA180 and BMA020 settings are now set to 8G.
The settings were formerly 2G. We noticed vibrations could cause ACC saturation
, causing a wrong ACC measurement, and causing a wrong PITCH/ROLL angle deduction.
This problem was probably the main cause of the “level drift” problem.
=> level mode should be much better now with those sensors.
One consequence: TRUSTED ACC is now enabled by default and will probably
be removed in future versions.
The term D of the PID LEVEL settings is now used to limit the effect
of the level correction thanks to the suggestion of Shikra
(see http://www.multiwii.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=905 ).
By default (D=100), the behaviour of the stable mode is unchanged.
With a lower D, effects are:
- a smoothing level change
- should prevent some wobbles of death
Altitude hold mode:
There was a lot of hit and miss about this functionality.
Things are not perfect, but thanks to Marcin we can see a huge
improvement and a working alt hold with default settings *on most setups*
There are still some oddities to solve.
***Velocity PID is not currently used in the code***
GPS mode:
There are now 2 GPS devices supported:
Serial GPS
which should be connected on a free Serial port of the FC (MEGA boards needed)
Must be defined in config.h
#define GPS_SERIAL 2 < - a free serial port
#define GPS_BAUD 115200
GPS POSITION HOLD and GPS RETURN to HOME are both implemented with the Serial GPS option.
I2C Serial boards
EOSBandi did some code to add “a specific arduino + a Serial GPS” which
communicates with multiwii via I2C.
Must be defined in config.h
#define I2C_GPS
Position of the Home is defined once the GPS receives at least 4 satellites.
Then there are 2 GPS mode:
-ReturnToHome: when activated, the multi will go back to the GPS Home GPS coordinates.
-PositionHold: when activated, the multi will stay at its position.
The GPS mode needs:
-a very well calibrated MAG which is not disturbed by running motors.
(no current of magnetic fields influence on the MAG, otherwise,
the GPS won’t work fine)
-an ACC correctly tuned for level stabilization
The principle is very simple for the moment: multiwii tries to lean
the multi in the direction of the target point, with an angle which
is proportional to the distance.
A PID setting was added in the GUI:
P = angle inclination proportional to target distance
with P=5.0 in the GUI , 1 meter = 0.5deg inclination
I is currently not used
D = max angle inclination due to the GPS correction (15 is fine to begin)
Nice vids with first working GPS here:
EOSBandi: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pJJKG6uWqv4
nhadrian: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YcLJfC4h90M
More motors/more servos/better output accuracy:
Thanks to ronco, the output.pde part was nearly rewritten from scratch.
We have now new possible combinations that were impossible before.
Better efficiency for hardware pwm: digitalWrite arduino function was
removed in order to address directly the output ports.
One consequence: motor order is no more easily configurable.
On MEGA boards: the first 6 motors are now driven by timers configured
in a 16 bit mode.
The difference is noticeable in flight for a quad.
It's a really nice improvement for MEGA boards running a quad for instance.
Extended motor range option (for use with wii-ESC; resolution 250 steps vs. 125 steps std.)
see http://www.multiwii.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=13&t=516 for more info
On 328p based board (promini): we can now have the following configurations:
HEX (FLAT X, FLAT +, or Y6)
- with a standard receiver: in this case the 2 last motors are
on PIN A0/A1 instead of D5&D6
- or still with a PPM SUM receiver
- with 2 servos for a GIMBAL mode + 1 servo for CAM TRIG:
- with a PPM sum receiver: in this case, the 2 last motors are
on PIN D5&D6 and the servos are on PIN A0/A1/A2
- with a standard receiver: in this case, the 2 last motors are
on PIN A0/A1 and the servos are on PIN A2/D12 (no CAM trig here)
OCTO config (FLAT X, FLAT +, X8):
- with or without a standard receiver: on PINs 3,9,10,11,A0,A1,A2,12
- no servos
Config schemes are documented here:
New config:
- Flying wing was introduced as beta, and is now successfully tested:
The current supported LCD are now:
- LCD_SERIAL_3W: Alex' initial variant with 3 wires serial
LCD from Sparkfun, using rx-pin for transmission @9600 baud fixed
(Which has 4 input keys for selecting menus)
- LCD_VT100: vt100 compatible terminal emulation (blueterm, putty, etc.)
alternate GUI to any (vt-100 aware) terminal program (optionally over BT),
works for most tablets, smartphones, etc.
- LCD_ETPP: Eagle Tree Power Panel LCD, which is a i2c device (not serial)
- LCD_LCD03: LCD03, which is a i2c device
- servo midpoints (default 1500) user configurable via LCD
(like subtrim on computer TX) for Flying Wing and TRI
An I2C LED Ring device with 12 RBG LEDs is integrated as an option
in multiwii to give more feedback about sensor states.
HeadFree mode
Something similar to MK Carefree mode was added.
Firstly introduced by mahowik as a “simple mode”
A specific check box was added in the GUI to activate this mode via a switch.
You need to have a magnetometer and accelerometer on the board
Principle: The head/front will be remembered when you turn on the engines.
So it means that you can turn on/off the mode during the flight.
Pass-through mode
It’s a checkbox in the GUI.
The purpose is to bypass the IMU for some configs like flying wings.
Beeper mode
It’s a checkbox in the GUI.
The purpose is to activate a beeper in case you have a buzzer
installed and you lost your multi in high grass for instance.
New stick combo
for magneto calibration (throttle=up yaw=right pitch=down)
Better magnetometer calibration
The calibration of the magnetometer is now more precise,
because it takes into account the relative strength of the magnitude
projection on each axis.
Based on a code suggested by EOSBandi:
It should improve the GPS return to target point accuracy.
Gyro smoothing
There are 2 options to smooth the gyros: (mainly useful for fixed wings configs)
- per axis based on a LPF: #define GYRO_SMOOTHING {20, 20, 3}
// separate averaging ranges for roll, pitch, yaw
- for all axis, based on a moving average (from Magnetron)
#define MMGYRO
Servo gimbal smoothing is also an option based on the same principle:
Inflight ACC-calibration:
It’s a way to calibrate the level via on flight tests.
Must be defined in config.h
#define InflightAccCalibration
Suggested by jevermeister
Coding specific improvements:
Less RAM memory usage via the use of PROGMEM statement
No more Arduino Serial function => the new serial communication is more efficient
Board and sensors orientation:
This was something that was not well coded at the beginning.
This mod should not affect board definition (a remapping of axis was done)
About individual sensor orientation: is not the same and it’s normal,
there is no bug to correct here.
task state in the main loop to reduce the jitter time loop
I2C errors status display in the GUI
New AUX3/AUX4 checkboxes.
We can now have many more possibilities to activate/deactivate
a specific function (4 switch with 3 states assuming you have a 8 channels RC system)
The previous CAM1/CAM2 rc channels (that are now AUX3/AUX4) are still usable
for an assisted PITCH/ROLL gimbal system if the AUX3/AUX4 checkboxes are not used.
visual feedback on state of all of the auxN options
GUI reports the full MWC firmware version number
And of course, there is the nice version of WinGUI from EOSBandi
It is definitively more friendly than the java one,
allowing more features like load/write configs.
rushduino is basically an arduino board, with OSD capabilities.
It's a very flexible solution, as it is open source,
and it plugs on the multiwii serial port to retrieve sensors info.
MIS OSD is also updated so that multiwii can also take GPS info from the OSD,
or the OSD can take GPS info from multiwii