Hier ein paar interessante Infos von surveilzone:
Meine Fragen:
1. Is the purchase number the same CC1526?
2. Is the picture quality as good as on the previous version?
3. Is the noise problem completly solved or "just" reduced?
4. Is it possible to update the my existing cam by myself?
Und hier die Antworten:
Dear Sven
1. Yes, it is still CC1526
2. Yes, it is the good, we just find out the noise source, choose some material, the quality is totally the same
3. Completely solved
4. *We choose some material, you can not update it by yourself, you can return it back, or wait few days, we will make aluminum case for it very soon, by then, we send the aluminum case to you*
Super Service von surveilzone.
P.S. Ich behalte meine alte doch erstmal